Fast (Weighted) F-test for Linear Models (with Factors)
computes an R-squared based F-test for the exclusion of the variables in exc
, where the full (unrestricted) model is defined by variables supplied to both exc
and X
. The test is efficient and designed for cases where both exc
and X
may contain multiple factors and continuous variables. There is also an efficient 2-part formula method.
fFtest(...) # Internal method dispatch: formula if is.call(..1) || is.call(..2)
# Default S3 method
fFtest(y, exc, X = NULL, w = NULL, full.df = TRUE, ...)
# S3 method for class 'formula'
fFtest(formula, data = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)
- y
a numeric vector: the dependent variable.
- exc
a numeric vector, factor, numeric matrix or list / data frame of numeric vectors and/or factors: variables to test / exclude.
- X
a numeric vector, factor, numeric matrix or list / data frame of numeric vectors and/or factors: covariates to include in both the restricted (without
) and unrestricted model. If left empty (X = NULL
), the test amounts to the F-test of the regression ofy
.- w
numeric. A vector of (frequency) weights.
- formula
a 2-part formula:
y ~ exc | X
, where bothexc
are expressions connected with+
, andX
can be omitted. Note that other operators (:
, etc.) are not supported, you can interact variables using standard functions likefinteraction/itn
inside the formula e.g.log(y) ~ x1 + itn(x2, x3) | x4
orlog(y) ~ x1 + multiply_by(x2, x3) | x4
.- data
a named list or data frame.
- weights
a weights vector or expression that results in a vector when evaluated in the
environment.- full.df
logical. If
(default), the degrees of freedom are calculated as if both restricted and unrestricted models were estimated usinglm()
(i.e. as if factors were expanded to matrices of dummies).FALSE
only uses one degree of freedom per factor.- ...
other arguments passed to
or tofhdwithin
. Sensible options might be thelm.method
argument or further control parameters tofixest::demean
, the workhorse function underlyingfhdwithin
for higher-order centering tasks.
Factors and continuous regressors are efficiently projected out using fhdwithin
, and the option full.df
regulates whether a degree of freedom is subtracted for each used factor level (equivalent to dummy-variable estimator / expanding factors), or only one degree of freedom per factor (treating factors as variables). The test automatically removes missing values and considers only the complete cases of y, exc
and X
. Unused factor levels in exc
and X
are dropped.
Note that an intercept is always added by fhdwithin
, so it is not necessary to include an intercept in data supplied to exc
/ X
A 5 x 3 numeric matrix of statistics. The columns contain statistics:
the R-squared of the model
the numerator degrees of freedom i.e. the number of variables (k) and used factor levels if
full.df = TRUE
the denominator degrees of freedom: N - k - 1.
the F-statistic
the corresponding P-value
The rows show these statistics for:
the Full (unrestricted) Model (
y ~ exc + X
)the Restricted Model (
y ~ X
)the Exclusion Restriction of
. The R-squared shown is simply the difference of the full and restricted R-Squared's, not the R-Squared of the modely ~ exc
, only a vector of the same 5 statistics testing the model (y ~ exc
) is shown.
## We could use fFtest as a simple seasonality test:
fFtest(AirPassengers, qF(cycle(AirPassengers))) # Testing for level-seasonality
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-value
#> 0.106 11 132 1.424 0.169
fFtest(AirPassengers, qF(cycle(AirPassengers)), # Seasonality test around a cubic trend
poly(seq_along(AirPassengers), 3))
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.965 14 129 250.585 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.862 3 140 291.593 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.102 11 129 33.890 0.000
fFtest(fdiff(AirPassengers), qF(cycle(AirPassengers))) # Seasonality in first-difference
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-value
#> 0.749 11 131 35.487 0.000
## A more classical example with only continuous variables
fFtest(mpg ~ cyl + vs | hp + carb, mtcars)
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.750 4 27 20.261 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.605 2 29 22.175 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.145 2 27 7.858 0.002
fFtest(mtcars$mpg, mtcars[c("cyl","vs")], mtcars[c("hp","carb")])
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.750 4 27 20.261 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.605 2 29 22.175 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.145 2 27 7.858 0.002
## Now encoding cyl and vs as factors
fFtest(mpg ~ qF(cyl) + qF(vs) | hp + carb, mtcars)
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.756 5 26 16.140 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.605 2 29 22.175 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.152 3 26 5.395 0.005
fFtest(mtcars$mpg, lapply(mtcars[c("cyl","vs")], qF), mtcars[c("hp","carb")])
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.756 5 26 16.140 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.605 2 29 22.175 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.152 3 26 5.395 0.005
## Using iris data: A factor and a continuous variable excluded
fFtest(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width + Species | Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, iris)
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.867 5 144 188.251 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.840 2 147 386.386 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.027 3 144 9.816 0.000
fFtest(iris$Sepal.Length, iris[4:5], iris[2:3])
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.867 5 144 188.251 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.840 2 147 386.386 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.027 3 144 9.816 0.000
## Testing the significance of country-FE in regression of GDP on life expectancy
fFtest(log(PCGDP) ~ iso3c | LIFEEX, wlddev)
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.955 199 8822 943.424 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.602 1 9020 13653.865 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.353 198 8822 350.373 0.000
fFtest(log(wlddev$PCGDP), wlddev$iso3c, wlddev$LIFEEX)
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.955 199 8822 943.424 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.602 1 9020 13653.865 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.353 198 8822 350.373 0.000
## Ok, country-FE are significant, what about adding time-FE
fFtest(log(PCGDP) ~ qF(year) | iso3c + LIFEEX, wlddev)
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.963 258 8763 876.312 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.955 199 8822 943.424 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.008 59 8763 30.126 0.000
fFtest(log(wlddev$PCGDP), qF(wlddev$year), wlddev[c("iso3c","LIFEEX")])
#> R-Sq. DF1 DF2 F-Stat. P-Value
#> Full Model 0.963 258 8763 876.312 0.000
#> Restricted Model 0.955 199 8822 943.424 0.000
#> Exclusion Rest. 0.008 59 8763 30.126 0.000
# Same test done using lm:
data <- na_omit(get_vars(wlddev, c("iso3c","year","PCGDP","LIFEEX")))
full <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c + qF(year), data)
rest <- lm(PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c, data)
anova(rest, full)
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Model 1: PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c
#> Model 2: PCGDP ~ LIFEEX + iso3c + qF(year)
#> Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
#> 1 8822 3.0044e+11
#> 2 8763 2.5097e+11 59 4.9475e+10 29.28 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1