Fast Select, Replace or Add Data Frame Columns
Efficiently select and replace (or add) a subset of columns from (to) a data frame. This can be done by data type, or using expressions, column names, indices, logical vectors, selector functions or regular expressions matching column names.
## Select and replace variables, analgous to dplyr::select but significantly faster
fselect(.x, ..., return = "data")
fselect(x, ...) <- value
slt(.x, ..., return = "data") # Shorthand for fselect
slt(x, ...) <- value
## Select and replace columns by names, indices, logical vectors,
## regular expressions or using functions to identify columns
get_vars(x, vars, return = "data", regex = FALSE, rename = FALSE, ...)
gv(x, vars, return = "data", ...) # Shorthand for get_vars
gvr(x, vars, return = "data", ...) # Shorthand for get_vars(..., regex = TRUE)
get_vars(x, vars, regex = FALSE, ...) <- value
gv(x, vars, ...) <- value
gvr(x, vars, ...) <- value
## Add columns at any position within a data.frame
add_vars(x, ..., pos = "end")
add_vars(x, pos = "end") <- value
av(x, ..., pos = "end") # Shorthand for add_vars
av(x, pos = "end") <- value
## Select and replace columns by data type
num_vars(x, return = "data")
num_vars(x) <- value
nv(x, return = "data") # Shorthand for num_vars
nv(x) <- value
cat_vars(x, return = "data") # Categorical variables, see is_categorical
cat_vars(x) <- value
char_vars(x, return = "data")
char_vars(x) <- value
fact_vars(x, return = "data")
fact_vars(x) <- value
logi_vars(x, return = "data")
logi_vars(x) <- value
date_vars(x, return = "data") # See is_date
date_vars(x) <- value
- x, .x
a data frame or list.
- value
a data frame or list of columns whose dimensions exactly match those of the extracted subset of
. If only 1 variable is in the subset ofx
can also be an atomic vector or matrix, provided thatNROW(value) == nrow(x)
.- vars
a vector of column names, indices (can be negative), a suitable logical vector, or a vector of regular expressions matching column names (if
regex = TRUE
). It is also possible to pass a function returningTRUE
when applied to the columns ofx
.- return
an integer or string specifying what the selector function should return. The options are:
Int. String Description 1 "data" subset of data frame (default) 2 "names" column names 3 "indices" column indices 4 "named_indices" named column indices 5 "logical" logical selection vector 6 "named_logical" named logical vector Note: replacement functions only replace data, however column names are replaced together with the data (if available).
- regex
will do regular expression search on the column names ofx
using a (vector of) regular expression(s) passed tovars
. Matching is done usinggrep
.- rename
logical. If
is a named vector of column names or indices,rename = TRUE
will use the (non missing) names to rename columns.- pos
the position where columns are added in the data frame.
(default) will append the data frame at the end (right) side. "front" will add columns in front (left). Alternatively one can pass a vector of positions (matchinglength(value)
if value is a list). In that case the other columns will be shifted around the new ones while maintaining their order.- ...
: column names and expressions e.g.fselect(mtcars, newname = mpg, hp, carb:vs)
. forget_vars
: further arguments passed togrep
, ifregex = TRUE
. Foradd_vars
: multiple lists/data frames or vectors (which should be given names e.g.name = vector
). A single argument passed may also be an (unnamed) vector or matrix.
is around 2x faster than `[.data.frame`
and 8x faster than `[<-.data.frame`
, so the common operation data[cols] <- someFUN(data[cols])
can be made 10x more efficient (abstracting from computations performed by someFUN
) using get_vars(data, cols) <- someFUN(get_vars(data, cols))
or the shorthand gv(data, cols) <- someFUN(gv(data, cols))
Similarly type-wise operations like data[sapply(data, is.numeric)]
or data[sapply(data, is.numeric)] <- value
are facilitated and more efficient using num_vars(data)
and num_vars(data) <- value
or the shortcuts nv
and nv<-
provides an efficient alternative to dplyr::select
, allowing the selection of variables based on expressions evaluated within the data frame, see Examples. It is about 100x faster than dplyr::select
but also more simple as it does not provide special methods (except for 'sf' and 'data.table' which are handled internally) .
Finally, add_vars(data1, data2, data3, ...)
is a lot faster than cbind(data1, data2, data3, ...)
, and preserves the attributes of data1
(i.e. it is like adding columns to data1
). The replacement function add_vars(data) <- someFUN(get_vars(data, cols))
efficiently appends data
with computed columns. The pos
argument allows adding columns at positions other than the end (right) of the data frame, see Examples. Note that add_vars
does not check duplicated column names or NULL
columns, and does not evaluate expressions in a data environment, or replicate length 1 inputs like cbind
. All of this is provided by ftransform
All functions introduced here perform their operations class-independent. They all basically work like this: (1) save the attributes of x
, (2) unclass x
, (3) subset, replace or append x
as a list, (4) modify the "names" component of the attributes of x
accordingly and (5) efficiently attach the attributes again to the result from step (3).
Thus they can freely be applied to data.table's, grouped tibbles, panel data frames and other classes and will return an object of exactly the same class and the same attributes.
In many cases functions here only check the length of the first column, which is one of the reasons why they are so fast. When lists of unequal-length columns are offered as replacements this yields a malformed data frame (which will also print a warning in the console i.e. you will notice that).
## Wold Development Data
head(fselect(wlddev, Country = country, Year = year, ODA)) # Fast dplyr-like selecting
#> Country Year ODA
#> 1 Afghanistan 1960 116769997
#> 2 Afghanistan 1961 232080002
#> 3 Afghanistan 1962 112839996
#> 4 Afghanistan 1963 237720001
#> 5 Afghanistan 1964 295920013
#> 6 Afghanistan 1965 341839996
head(fselect(wlddev, -country, -year, -PCGDP))
#> iso3c date decade region income OECD LIFEEX GINI ODA
#> 1 AFG 1961-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 32.446 NA 116769997
#> 2 AFG 1962-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 32.962 NA 232080002
#> 3 AFG 1963-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 33.471 NA 112839996
#> 4 AFG 1964-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 33.971 NA 237720001
#> 5 AFG 1965-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 34.463 NA 295920013
#> 6 AFG 1966-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 34.948 NA 341839996
#> POP
#> 1 8996973
#> 2 9169410
#> 3 9351441
#> 4 9543205
#> 5 9744781
#> 6 9956320
head(fselect(wlddev, country, year, PCGDP:ODA))
#> country year PCGDP LIFEEX GINI ODA
#> 1 Afghanistan 1960 NA 32.446 NA 116769997
#> 2 Afghanistan 1961 NA 32.962 NA 232080002
#> 3 Afghanistan 1962 NA 33.471 NA 112839996
#> 4 Afghanistan 1963 NA 33.971 NA 237720001
#> 5 Afghanistan 1964 NA 34.463 NA 295920013
#> 6 Afghanistan 1965 NA 34.948 NA 341839996
head(fselect(wlddev, -(PCGDP:ODA)))
#> country iso3c date year decade region income OECD POP
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 1960 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 8996973
#> 2 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 1961 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9169410
#> 3 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 1962 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9351441
#> 4 Afghanistan AFG 1964-01-01 1963 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9543205
#> 5 Afghanistan AFG 1965-01-01 1964 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9744781
#> 6 Afghanistan AFG 1966-01-01 1965 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9956320
fselect(wlddev, country, year, PCGDP:ODA) <- NULL # Efficient deleting
#> iso3c date decade region income OECD POP
#> 1 AFG 1961-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 8996973
#> 2 AFG 1962-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9169410
#> 3 AFG 1963-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9351441
#> 4 AFG 1964-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9543205
#> 5 AFG 1965-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9744781
#> 6 AFG 1966-01-01 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9956320
head(num_vars(wlddev)) # Select numeric variables
#> 1 1960 1960 NA 32.446 NA 116769997 8996973
#> 2 1961 1960 NA 32.962 NA 232080002 9169410
#> 3 1962 1960 NA 33.471 NA 112839996 9351441
#> 4 1963 1960 NA 33.971 NA 237720001 9543205
#> 5 1964 1960 NA 34.463 NA 295920013 9744781
#> 6 1965 1960 NA 34.948 NA 341839996 9956320
head(cat_vars(wlddev)) # Select categorical (non-numeric) vars
#> country iso3c date region income OECD
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 2 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 3 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 4 Afghanistan AFG 1964-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 5 Afghanistan AFG 1965-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 6 Afghanistan AFG 1966-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
head(get_vars(wlddev, is_categorical)) # Same thing
#> country iso3c date region income OECD
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 2 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 3 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 4 Afghanistan AFG 1964-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 5 Afghanistan AFG 1965-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
#> 6 Afghanistan AFG 1966-01-01 South Asia Low income FALSE
num_vars(wlddev) <- num_vars(wlddev) # Replace Numeric Variables by themselves
get_vars(wlddev,is.numeric) <- get_vars(wlddev,is.numeric) # Same thing
head(get_vars(wlddev, 9:12)) # Select columns 9 through 12, 2x faster
#> 1 NA 32.446 NA 116769997
#> 2 NA 32.962 NA 232080002
#> 3 NA 33.471 NA 112839996
#> 4 NA 33.971 NA 237720001
#> 5 NA 34.463 NA 295920013
#> 6 NA 34.948 NA 341839996
head(get_vars(wlddev, -(9:12))) # All except columns 9 through 12
#> country iso3c date year decade region income OECD POP
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 1960 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 8996973
#> 2 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 1961 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9169410
#> 3 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 1962 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9351441
#> 4 Afghanistan AFG 1964-01-01 1963 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9543205
#> 5 Afghanistan AFG 1965-01-01 1964 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9744781
#> 6 Afghanistan AFG 1966-01-01 1965 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE 9956320
head(get_vars(wlddev, c("PCGDP","LIFEEX","GINI","ODA"))) # Select using column names
#> 1 NA 32.446 NA 116769997
#> 2 NA 32.962 NA 232080002
#> 3 NA 33.471 NA 112839996
#> 4 NA 33.971 NA 237720001
#> 5 NA 34.463 NA 295920013
#> 6 NA 34.948 NA 341839996
head(get_vars(wlddev, "[[:upper:]]", regex = TRUE)) # Same thing: match upper-case var. names
#> 1 FALSE NA 32.446 NA 116769997 8996973
#> 2 FALSE NA 32.962 NA 232080002 9169410
#> 3 FALSE NA 33.471 NA 112839996 9351441
#> 4 FALSE NA 33.971 NA 237720001 9543205
#> 5 FALSE NA 34.463 NA 295920013 9744781
#> 6 FALSE NA 34.948 NA 341839996 9956320
head(gvr(wlddev, "[[:upper:]]")) # Same thing
#> 1 FALSE NA 32.446 NA 116769997 8996973
#> 2 FALSE NA 32.962 NA 232080002 9169410
#> 3 FALSE NA 33.471 NA 112839996 9351441
#> 4 FALSE NA 33.971 NA 237720001 9543205
#> 5 FALSE NA 34.463 NA 295920013 9744781
#> 6 FALSE NA 34.948 NA 341839996 9956320
get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) <- get_vars(wlddev, 9:12) # 9x faster wlddev[9:12] <- wlddev[9:12]
add_vars(wlddev) <- STD(gv(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c) # Add Standardized columns 9 through 12
head(wlddev) # gv and av are shortcuts
#> country iso3c date year decade region income OECD PCGDP
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 1960 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 2 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 1961 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 3 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 1962 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 4 Afghanistan AFG 1964-01-01 1963 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 1 32.446 NA 116769997 8996973 NA -1.653181 NA -0.6498451
#> 2 32.962 NA 232080002 9169410 NA -1.602256 NA -0.5951801
#> 3 33.471 NA 112839996 9351441 NA -1.552023 NA -0.6517082
#> 4 33.971 NA 237720001 9543205 NA -1.502678 NA -0.5925063
#> [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 2 rows ]
get_vars(wlddev, 14:17) <- NULL # Efficient Deleting added columns again
av(wlddev, "front") <- STD(gv(wlddev,9:12), wlddev$iso3c) # Again adding in Front
#> STD.PCGDP STD.LIFEEX STD.GINI STD.ODA country iso3c date year
#> 1 NA -1.653181 NA -0.6498451 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 1960
#> 2 NA -1.602256 NA -0.5951801 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 1961
#> 3 NA -1.552023 NA -0.6517082 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 1962
#> 4 NA -1.502678 NA -0.5925063 Afghanistan AFG 1964-01-01 1963
#> decade region income OECD PCGDP LIFEEX GINI ODA POP
#> 1 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA 32.446 NA 116769997 8996973
#> 2 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA 32.962 NA 232080002 9169410
#> 3 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA 33.471 NA 112839996 9351441
#> 4 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA 33.971 NA 237720001 9543205
#> [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 2 rows ]
get_vars(wlddev, 1:4) <- NULL # Deleting
av(wlddev,c(10,12,14,16)) <- W(wlddev,~iso3c, cols = 9:12, # Adding next to original variables
keep.by = FALSE)
#> country iso3c date year decade region income OECD PCGDP
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 1960 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 2 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 1961 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 3 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 1962 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 4 Afghanistan AFG 1964-01-01 1963 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 1 NA 32.446 -16.75117 NA NA 116769997 -1370778502 8996973
#> 2 NA 32.962 -16.23517 NA NA 232080002 -1255468497 9169410
#> 3 NA 33.471 -15.72617 NA NA 112839996 -1374708502 9351441
#> 4 NA 33.971 -15.22617 NA NA 237720001 -1249828497 9543205
#> [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 2 rows ]
get_vars(wlddev, c(10,12,14,16)) <- NULL # Deleting
head(add_vars(wlddev, new = STD(wlddev$PCGDP))) # Can also add columns like this
#> country iso3c date year decade region income OECD PCGDP
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 1960 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 2 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 1961 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 3 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 1962 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 4 Afghanistan AFG 1964-01-01 1963 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 5 Afghanistan AFG 1965-01-01 1964 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 1 32.446 NA 116769997 8996973 NA
#> 2 32.962 NA 232080002 9169410 NA
#> 3 33.471 NA 112839996 9351441 NA
#> 4 33.971 NA 237720001 9543205 NA
#> 5 34.463 NA 295920013 9744781 NA
#> [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 1 rows ]
head(add_vars(wlddev, STD(nv(wlddev)), new = W(wlddev$PCGDP))) # etc...
#> country iso3c date year decade region income OECD PCGDP
#> 1 Afghanistan AFG 1961-01-01 1960 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 2 Afghanistan AFG 1962-01-01 1961 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 3 Afghanistan AFG 1963-01-01 1962 1960 South Asia Low income FALSE NA
#> 1 32.446 NA 116769997 8996973 -1.703821 -1.460378 NA -2.775283
#> 2 32.962 NA 232080002 9169410 -1.647027 -1.460378 NA -2.730321
#> 3 33.471 NA 112839996 9351441 -1.590233 -1.460378 NA -2.685969
#> 1 NA -0.3890241 -0.1493233 NA
#> 2 NA -0.2562874 -0.1476348 NA
#> 3 NA -0.3935480 -0.1458523 NA
#> [ reached 'max' / getOption("max.print") -- omitted 3 rows ]
head(add_vars(mtcars, mtcars, mpg = mtcars$mpg, mtcars), 2) # add_vars does not check names!
#> mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb mpg cyl disp
#> Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4 21 6 160
#> Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4 21 6 160
#> hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb mpg mpg cyl disp hp drat
#> Mazda RX4 110 3.9 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4 21 21 6 160 110 3.9
#> Mazda RX4 Wag 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4 21 21 6 160 110 3.9
#> wt qsec vs am gear carb
#> Mazda RX4 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4
#> Mazda RX4 Wag 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4