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A fast and flexible replacement for dist, to compute euclidean distances.


fdist(x, v = NULL, ..., method = "euclidean", nthreads = .op[["nthreads"]])



a numeric vector or matrix. Data frames/lists can be passed but will be converted to matrix using qM. Non-numeric (double) inputs will be coerced.


an (optional) numeric (double) vector such that length(v) == NCOL(x), to compute distances with (the rows of) x. Other vector types will be coerced.


not used. A placeholder for possible future arguments.


an integer or character string indicating the method of computing distances.

Int. String Description
1"euclidean"euclidean distance
2"euclidean_squared"squared euclidean distance (more efficient)


integer. The number of threads to use. If v = NULL (full distance matrix), multithreading is along the distance matrix columns (decreasing thread loads as matrix is lower triangular). If v is supplied, multithreading is at the sub-column level (across elements).


If v = NULL, a full lower-triangular distance matrix between the rows of x is computed and returned as a 'dist' object (all methods apply, see dist). Otherwise, a numeric vector of distances of each row of x with v is returned. See Examples.


fdist does not check for missing values, so NA's will result in NA distances.

kit::topn is a suitable complimentary function to find nearest neighbors. It is very efficient and skips missing values by default.


# Distance matrix
m = as.matrix(mtcars)
str(fdist(m)) # Same as dist(m)
#>  'dist' num [1:496] 0.615 54.909 98.113 210.337 65.472 ...
#>  - attr(*, "Size")= int 32
#>  - attr(*, "Labels")= chr [1:32] "Mazda RX4" "Mazda RX4 Wag" "Datsun 710" "Hornet 4 Drive" ...
#>  - attr(*, "Diag")= logi FALSE
#>  - attr(*, "Upper")= logi FALSE
#>  - attr(*, "method")= chr "euclidean"

# Distance with vector
d = fdist(m, fmean(m))
kit::topn(d, 5)  # Index of 5 nearest neighbours
#> [1] 15 16 17 31 19

# Mahalanobis distance
m_mahal = t(forwardsolve(t(chol(cov(m))), t(m)))
fdist(m_mahal, fmean(m_mahal))
#>  [1] 2.991099 2.878877 2.989507 2.469155 2.330035 2.979523 3.022627 3.167072
#>  [9] 4.753222 3.520384 3.325489 3.078332 2.365275 2.454885 3.346836 2.944842
#> [17] 3.501088 3.013076 3.867089 3.208810 3.665023 2.495443 2.405554 3.417825
#> [25] 2.591927 1.909395 4.284409 3.741747 4.644675 3.339588 4.380911 3.144643
sqrt(unattrib(mahalanobis(m, fmean(m), cov(m))))
#>  [1] 2.991099 2.878877 2.989507 2.469155 2.330035 2.979523 3.022627 3.167072
#>  [9] 4.753222 3.520384 3.325489 3.078332 2.365275 2.454885 3.346836 2.944842
#> [17] 3.501088 3.013076 3.867089 3.208810 3.665023 2.495443 2.405554 3.417825
#> [25] 2.591927 1.909395 4.284409 3.741747 4.644675 3.339588 4.380911 3.144643
# \donttest{
# Distance of two vectors
x <- rnorm(1e6)
y <- rnorm(1e6)
  fdist(x, y),
  fdist(x, y, nthreads = 2),
#> Unit: microseconds
#>                       expr      min        lq      mean    median        uq
#>                fdist(x, y)  925.083  926.6205 1008.7480  933.8980  966.0215
#>  fdist(x, y, nthreads = 2)  924.222  925.4725  951.6272  931.6225  963.5000
#>       sqrt(sum((x - y)^2)) 2623.467 2696.4265 3823.0799 2804.2975 3071.5355
#>        max neval
#>   5473.664   100
#>   1228.606   100
#>  20701.474   100
# }