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Computes (pairwise, weighted) Pearson's correlations, covariances and observation counts. Pairwise correlations and covariances can be computed together with observation counts and p-values, and output as 3D array (default) or list of matrices. pwcor and pwcov offer an elaborate print method.


pwcor(X, ..., w = NULL, N = FALSE, P = FALSE, array = TRUE, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

pwcov(X, ..., w = NULL, N = FALSE, P = FALSE, array = TRUE, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")


# S3 method for class 'pwcor'
print(x, digits = .op[["digits"]], sig.level = 0.05,
      show = c("all","lower.tri","upper.tri"), spacing = 1L, return = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'pwcov'
print(x, digits = .op[["digits"]], sig.level = 0.05,
      show = c("all","lower.tri","upper.tri"), spacing = 1L, return = FALSE, ...)



a matrix or data.frame, for pwcor and pwcov all columns must be numeric. All functions are faster on matrices, so converting is advised for large data (see qM).


an object of class 'pwcor' / 'pwcov'.


numeric. A vector of (frequency) weights.


logical. TRUE also computes pairwise observation counts.


logical. TRUE also computes pairwise p-values (same as cor.test and Hmisc::rcorr).


logical. If N = TRUE or P = TRUE, TRUE (default) returns output as 3D array whereas FALSE returns a list of matrices.


argument passed to cor / cov. If use != "pairwise.complete.obs", sum(complete.cases(X)) is used for N, and p-values are computed accordingly.


integer. The number of digits to round to in print.


numeric. P-value threshold below which a '*' is displayed above significant coefficients if P = TRUE.


character. The part of the correlation / covariance matrix to display.


integer. Controls the spacing between different reported quantities in the printout of the matrix: 0 - compressed, 1 - single space, 2 - double space.


logical. TRUE returns the formatted object from the print method for exporting. The default is to return x invisibly.


other arguments passed to cor or cov. Only sensible if P = FALSE.


a numeric matrix, 3D array or list of matrices with the computed statistics. For pwcor and pwcov the object has a class 'pwcor' and 'pwcov', respectively.


weights::wtd.cors is imported for weighted pairwise correlations (written in C for speed). For weighted correlations with bootstrap SE's see weights::wtd.cor (bootstrap can be slow). Weighted correlations for complex surveys are implemented in jtools::svycor. An equivalent and faster implementation of pwcor (without weights) is provided in Hmisc::rcorr (written in Fortran).


mna <- na_insert(mtcars)
#>        mpg   cyl  disp    hp  drat    wt  qsec    vs    am  gear  carb
#> mpg     1   -.86  -.81  -.71   .74  -.87   .38   .67   .53   .41  -.55
#> cyl   -.86    1    .91   .81  -.75   .79  -.58  -.86  -.50  -.54   .53
#> disp  -.81   .91    1    .85  -.79   .91  -.36  -.72  -.66  -.75   .38
#> hp    -.71   .81   .85    1   -.36   .60  -.72  -.69  -.05  -.06   .74
#> drat   .74  -.75  -.79  -.36    1   -.75   .10   .48   .70   .70  -.14
#> wt    -.87   .79   .91   .60  -.75    1   -.16  -.58  -.62  -.58   .42
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
#>            mpg       cyl      disp        hp      drat        wt      qsec
#> mpg      34.37     -9.68   -588.25   -264.29      2.37     -5.04      4.22
#> cyl      -9.68      3.35    219.83     98.14     -0.79      1.53     -2.03
#> disp   -588.25    219.83  16172.58   5973.18    -58.42    127.09    -74.75
#> hp     -264.29     98.14   5973.18   4545.18    -12.04     40.86    -97.99
#> drat      2.37     -0.79    -58.42    -12.04      0.31     -0.43      0.11
#> wt       -5.04      1.53    127.09     40.86     -0.43      1.04     -0.30
#>             vs        am      gear      carb
#> mpg       2.06      1.40      1.89     -5.33
#> cyl      -0.82     -0.41     -0.75      1.65
#> disp    -49.07    -38.96    -67.91     66.84
#> hp      -23.37     -1.74     -3.53     84.37
#> drat      0.13      0.16      0.29     -0.11
#> wt       -0.31     -0.28     -0.46      0.75
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
#>      mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
#> mpg   29  26   26 26   27 26   26 26 26   26   27
#> cyl   26  29   26 26   26 26   26 26 26   27   26
#> disp  26  26   29 26   26 26   26 26 26   26   26
#> hp    26  26   26 29   26 27   26 26 27   27   27
#> drat  27  26   26 26   29 26   26 27 27   26   26
#> wt    26  26   26 27   26 29   27 27 26   27   26
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
pwcor(mna, N = TRUE)
#>            mpg       cyl      disp        hp      drat        wt      qsec
#> mpg    1  (29) -.86 (26) -.81 (26) -.71 (26)  .74 (27) -.87 (26)  .38 (26)
#> cyl  -.86 (26)   1  (29)  .91 (26)  .81 (26) -.75 (26)  .79 (26) -.58 (26)
#> disp -.81 (26)  .91 (26)   1  (29)  .85 (26) -.79 (26)  .91 (26) -.36 (26)
#> hp   -.71 (26)  .81 (26)  .85 (26)   1  (29) -.36 (26)  .60 (27) -.72 (26)
#> drat  .74 (27) -.75 (26) -.79 (26) -.36 (26)   1  (29) -.75 (26)  .10 (26)
#> wt   -.87 (26)  .79 (26)  .91 (26)  .60 (27) -.75 (26)   1  (29) -.16 (27)
#>             vs        am      gear      carb
#> mpg   .67 (26)  .53 (26)  .41 (26) -.55 (27)
#> cyl  -.86 (26) -.50 (26) -.54 (27)  .53 (26)
#> disp -.72 (26) -.66 (26) -.75 (26)  .38 (26)
#> hp   -.69 (26) -.05 (27) -.06 (27)  .74 (27)
#> drat  .48 (27)  .70 (27)  .70 (26) -.14 (26)
#> wt   -.58 (27) -.62 (26) -.58 (27)  .42 (26)
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
pwcor(mna, P = TRUE)
#>         mpg    cyl   disp     hp   drat     wt   qsec     vs     am   gear
#> mpg     1    -.86*  -.81*  -.71*   .74*  -.87*   .38    .67*   .53*   .41*
#> cyl   -.86*    1     .91*   .81*  -.75*   .79*  -.58*  -.86*  -.50*  -.54*
#> disp  -.81*   .91*    1     .85*  -.79*   .91*  -.36   -.72*  -.66*  -.75*
#> hp    -.71*   .81*   .85*    1    -.36    .60*  -.72*  -.69*  -.05   -.06 
#> drat   .74*  -.75*  -.79*  -.36     1    -.75*   .10    .48*   .70*   .70*
#> wt    -.87*   .79*   .91*   .60*  -.75*    1    -.16   -.58*  -.62*  -.58*
#>        carb
#> mpg   -.55*
#> cyl    .53*
#> disp   .38 
#> hp     .74*
#> drat  -.14 
#> wt     .42*
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE)
#>             mpg        cyl       disp         hp       drat         wt
#> mpg    1   (29) -.86* (26) -.81* (26) -.71* (26)  .74* (27) -.87* (26)
#> cyl  -.86* (26)   1   (29)  .91* (26)  .81* (26) -.75* (26)  .79* (26)
#> disp -.81* (26)  .91* (26)   1   (29)  .85* (26) -.79* (26)  .91* (26)
#> hp   -.71* (26)  .81* (26)  .85* (26)   1   (29) -.36  (26)  .60* (27)
#> drat  .74* (27) -.75* (26) -.79* (26) -.36  (26)   1   (29) -.75* (26)
#> wt   -.87* (26)  .79* (26)  .91* (26)  .60* (27) -.75* (26)   1   (29)
#>            qsec         vs         am       gear       carb
#> mpg   .38  (26)  .67* (26)  .53* (26)  .41* (26) -.55* (27)
#> cyl  -.58* (26) -.86* (26) -.50* (26) -.54* (27)  .53* (26)
#> disp -.36  (26) -.72* (26) -.66* (26) -.75* (26)  .38  (26)
#> hp   -.72* (26) -.69* (26) -.05  (27) -.06  (27)  .74* (27)
#> drat  .10  (26)  .48* (27)  .70* (27)  .70* (26) -.14  (26)
#> wt   -.16  (27) -.58* (27) -.62* (26) -.58* (27)  .42* (26)
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
aperm(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE))
#> , , mpg
#>   mpg   cyl  disp    hp  drat    wt  qsec    vs    am  gear  carb
#> r   1  -.86  -.81  -.71   .74  -.87   .38   .67   .53   .41  -.55
#> N  29    26    26    26    27    26    26    26    26    26    27
#> P       .00   .00   .00   .00   .00   .06   .00   .01   .04   .00
#> , , cyl
#>     mpg    cyl  disp    hp  drat    wt  qsec    vs    am  gear  carb
#> r  -.86   1.00   .91   .81  -.75   .79  -.58  -.86  -.50  -.54   .53
#> N    26     29    26    26    26    26    26    26    26    27    26
#> P   .00          .00   .00   .00   .00   .00   .00   .01   .00   .01
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 9 matrix slice(s) ]
print(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE), digits = 3, sig.level = 0.01, show = "lower.tri")
#>              mpg         cyl        disp          hp        drat          wt
#> mpg    1    (29)                                                            
#> cyl  -.859* (26)   1    (29)                                                
#> disp -.811* (26)  .913* (26)   1    (29)                                    
#> hp   -.713* (26)  .812* (26)  .852* (26)   1    (29)                        
#> drat  .736* (27) -.753* (26) -.795* (26) -.361  (26)   1    (29)            
#> wt   -.866* (26)  .793* (26)  .910* (26)  .601* (27) -.748* (26)   1    (29)
#>             qsec          vs          am        gear        carb
#> mpg                                                             
#> cyl                                                             
#> disp                                                            
#> hp                                                              
#> drat                                                            
#> wt                                                              
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE, array = FALSE)
#> $r
#>        mpg    cyl  disp    hp  drat    wt  qsec    vs     am  gear   carb
#> mpg      1   -.86  -.81  -.71   .74  -.87   .38   .67    .53   .41   -.55
#> cyl   -.86   1.00   .91   .81  -.75   .79  -.58  -.86   -.50  -.54    .53
#> disp  -.81    .91     1   .85  -.79   .91  -.36  -.72   -.66  -.75    .38
#> hp    -.71    .81   .85     1  -.36   .60  -.72  -.69   -.05  -.06    .74
#> drat   .74   -.75  -.79  -.36     1  -.75   .10   .48    .70   .70   -.14
#> wt    -.87    .79   .91   .60  -.75     1  -.16  -.58   -.62  -.58    .42
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
#> $N
#>      mpg cyl disp  hp drat  wt qsec  vs  am gear carb
#> mpg   29  26   26  26   27  26   26  26  26   26   27
#> cyl   26  29   26  26   26  26   26  26  26   27   26
#> disp  26  26   29  26   26  26   26  26  26   26   26
#> hp    26  26   26  29   26  27   26  26  27   27   27
#> drat  27  26   26  26   29  26   26  27  27   26   26
#> wt    26  26   26  27   26  29   27  27  26   27   26
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
#> $P
#>       mpg  cyl disp   hp drat   wt qsec   vs   am gear carb
#> mpg        .00  .00  .00  .00  .00  .06  .00  .01  .04  .00
#> cyl   .00       .00  .00  .00  .00  .00  .00  .01  .00  .01
#> disp  .00  .00       .00  .00  .00  .07  .00  .00  .00  .06
#> hp    .00  .00  .00       .07  .00  .00  .00  .79  .75  .00
#> drat  .00  .00  .00  .07       .00  .61  .01  .00  .00  .51
#> wt    .00  .00  .00  .00  .00       .42  .00  .00  .00  .03
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
print(pwcor(mna, N = TRUE, P = TRUE, array = FALSE), show = "lower.tri")
#> $r
#>        mpg    cyl  disp    hp  drat    wt  qsec    vs     am  gear   carb
#> mpg      1                                                               
#> cyl   -.86   1.00                                                        
#> disp  -.81    .91     1                                                  
#> hp    -.71    .81   .85     1                                            
#> drat   .74   -.75  -.79  -.36     1                                      
#> wt    -.87    .79   .91   .60  -.75     1                                
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
#> $N
#>      mpg cyl disp  hp drat  wt qsec  vs  am gear carb
#> mpg   29                                             
#> cyl   26  29                                         
#> disp  26  26   29                                    
#> hp    26  26   26  29                                
#> drat  27  26   26  26   29                           
#> wt    26  26   26  27   26  29                       
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]
#> $P
#>       mpg  cyl disp   hp drat   wt qsec   vs   am gear carb
#> mpg                                                        
#> cyl   .00                                                  
#> disp  .00  .00                                             
#> hp    .00  .00  .00                                        
#> drat  .00  .00  .00  .07                                   
#> wt    .00  .00  .00  .00  .00                              
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 5 rows ]