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A data extract from BM 2014 replication files. Some proprietary series (mostly PMI's) are excluded. The dataset BM14_Models provides information about all series and their inclusion in the 'small', 'medium' and 'large' sized dynamic factor models estimated by BM 2014. The actual data is contained in xts format in BM14_M for monthly data and BM14_Q for quarterly data.




BM14_Models is a data frame with 101 obs. (series) and 8 columns:


BM14 series code (converted to snake case for R)


BM14 series label


original series code from data source


series frequency


logical indicating whether the series was transformed by the natural log before differencing. Note that all data are provided in untransformed levels, and all data was (log-)differenced by BM14 before estimation.


logical indicating series included in the 'small' model of BM14. Proprietary series are excluded.


logical indicating series included in the 'medium' model of BM14. Proprietary series are excluded.


logical indicating series included in the 'large' model of BM14. This comprises all series, thus the variable is redundant but included for completeness. Proprietary series are excluded.


Banbura, M., & Modugno, M. (2014). Maximum likelihood estimation of factor models on datasets with arbitrary pattern of missing data. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(1), 133-160.


#> Loading required package: zoo
#> Attaching package: ‘zoo’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     as.Date, as.Date.numeric

# Constructing the database for the large model
BM14 = merge(BM14_M, BM14_Q)
BM14[, BM14_Models$log_trans] %<>% log()
BM14[, BM14_Models$freq == "M"] %<>% diff()
BM14[, BM14_Models$freq == "Q"] %<>% diff(3)

# Small Model Database
head(BM14[, BM14_Models$small])
#>            ip_tot_cstr new_cars orders ret_turnover_defl ecs_ec_sent_ind
#> 1980-01-31          NA       NA     NA                NA              NA
#> 1980-02-29          NA       NA     NA      -0.045867752              NA
#> 1980-03-31          NA       NA     NA       0.025129863              NA
#> 1980-04-30          NA       NA     NA      -0.014409195              NA
#> 1980-05-31          NA       NA     NA      -0.002828186              NA
#> 1980-06-30          NA       NA     NA      -0.007937021              NA
#>            pms_pmi urx extra_ea_trade_exp_val euro325      raw_mat          gdp
#> 1980-01-31      NA  NA                     NA      NA           NA           NA
#> 1980-02-29      NA  NA           -0.006628411      NA -0.017094433           NA
#> 1980-03-31      NA  NA           -0.010029199      NA  0.041649238           NA
#> 1980-04-30      NA  NA           -0.009230433      NA  0.007688121           NA
#> 1980-05-31      NA  NA           -0.009886927      NA -0.035638515           NA
#> 1980-06-30      NA  NA           -0.030326833      NA -0.031090587 -0.004706623
#>                    empl capacity      gdp_us
#> 1980-01-31           NA       NA          NA
#> 1980-02-29           NA       NA          NA
#> 1980-03-31           NA       NA          NA
#> 1980-04-30           NA       NA          NA
#> 1980-05-31           NA       NA          NA
#> 1980-06-30 0.0005918654       NA -0.02070885

# Medium-Sized Model Database
head(BM14[, BM14_Models$medium])
#>            ip_tot_cstr ip_constr ip_im_goods ip_capital ip_d_cstr ip_nd_cons
#> 1980-01-31          NA        NA          NA         NA        NA         NA
#> 1980-02-29          NA        NA          NA         NA        NA         NA
#> 1980-03-31          NA        NA          NA         NA        NA         NA
#> 1980-04-30          NA        NA          NA         NA        NA         NA
#> 1980-05-31          NA        NA          NA         NA        NA         NA
#> 1980-06-30          NA        NA          NA         NA        NA         NA
#>            ip_en new_cars orders ret_turnover_defl ecs_ec_sent_ind ecs_ind_conf
#> 1980-01-31    NA       NA     NA                NA              NA           NA
#> 1980-02-29    NA       NA     NA      -0.045867752              NA           NA
#> 1980-03-31    NA       NA     NA       0.025129863              NA           NA
#> 1980-04-30    NA       NA     NA      -0.014409195              NA           NA
#> 1980-05-31    NA       NA     NA      -0.002828186              NA           NA
#> 1980-06-30    NA       NA     NA      -0.007937021              NA           NA
#>            ecs_ind_prod_exp ecs_ind_x_orders ecs_ind_empl_exp ecs_cons_conf
#> 1980-01-31               NA               NA               NA            NA
#> 1980-02-29               NA               NA               NA            NA
#> 1980-03-31               NA               NA               NA            NA
#> 1980-04-30               NA               NA               NA            NA
#> 1980-05-31               NA               NA               NA            NA
#> 1980-06-30               NA               NA               NA            NA
#>            ecs_cstr_conf ecs_ret_tr_conf ecs_serv_conf ecs_serv_empl_exp
#> 1980-01-31            NA              NA            NA                NA
#> 1980-02-29            NA              NA            NA                NA
#> 1980-03-31            NA              NA            NA                NA
#> 1980-04-30            NA              NA            NA                NA
#> 1980-05-31            NA              NA            NA                NA
#> 1980-06-30            NA              NA            NA                NA
#>            pms_pmi pms_serv_out urx empl_total extra_ea_trade_exp_val
#> 1980-01-31      NA           NA  NA         NA                     NA
#> 1980-02-29      NA           NA  NA         NA           -0.006628411
#> 1980-03-31      NA           NA  NA         NA           -0.010029199
#> 1980-04-30      NA           NA  NA         NA           -0.009230433
#> 1980-05-31      NA           NA  NA         NA           -0.009886927
#> 1980-06-30      NA           NA  NA         NA           -0.030326833
#>            extra_ea_trade_imp_val         us_ip us_ip_manuf_exp us_cons_exp
#> 1980-01-31                     NA            NA              NA          NA
#> 1980-02-29            0.033595314  0.0008954556              10         0.8
#> 1980-03-31            0.113723637 -0.0029476935              -2       -10.6
#> 1980-04-30           -0.096103676 -0.0203344816             -22         0.1
#> 1980-05-31            0.044716794 -0.0254443045             -24         0.9
#> 1980-06-30           -0.003696892 -0.0125115289               4         7.7
#>                     m3 loans ir_long ir_short eer     exr_usd euro325
#> 1980-01-31          NA    NA      NA       NA  NA          NA      NA
#> 1980-02-29 0.007535875    NA      NA       NA  NA -0.01314636      NA
#> 1980-03-31 0.010894232    NA      NA       NA  NA -0.07252762      NA
#> 1980-04-30 0.004549395    NA      NA       NA  NA -0.01100038      NA
#> 1980-05-31 0.007720339    NA      NA       NA  NA  0.05541221      NA
#> 1980-06-30 0.007523561    NA      NA       NA  NA  0.02075198      NA
#>                  dow_j  raw_mat_en raw_mat_oil_fwd          gdp  priv_cons
#> 1980-01-31          NA          NA              NA           NA         NA
#> 1980-02-29  0.02009644  0.03875620              NA           NA         NA
#> 1980-03-31 -0.08884307  0.01467532              NA           NA         NA
#> 1980-04-30 -0.02167110 -0.02849797              NA           NA         NA
#> 1980-05-31  0.05186822 -0.03043713              NA           NA         NA
#> 1980-06-30  0.04908563 -0.03595893              NA -0.004706623 -0.0061348
#>                 invest      export      import         empl prductivity
#> 1980-01-31          NA          NA          NA           NA          NA
#> 1980-02-29          NA          NA          NA           NA          NA
#> 1980-03-31          NA          NA          NA           NA          NA
#> 1980-04-30          NA          NA          NA           NA          NA
#> 1980-05-31          NA          NA          NA           NA          NA
#> 1980-06-30 -0.01693449 -0.04461216 -0.02727455 0.0005918654          NA
#>            capacity      gdp_us
#> 1980-01-31       NA          NA
#> 1980-02-29       NA          NA
#> 1980-03-31       NA          NA
#> 1980-04-30       NA          NA
#> 1980-05-31       NA          NA
#> 1980-06-30       NA -0.02070885