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Minimizes 3 information criteria proposed by Bai and Ng (2002) to determine the optimal number of factors r* to be used in an approximate factor model. A Screeplot can also be computed to eyeball the number of factors in the spirit of Onatski (2010).


ICr(X, max.r = min(20, ncol(X) - 1))

# S3 method for class 'ICr'
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'ICr'
plot(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'ICr'
screeplot(x, type = "pve", show.grid = TRUE, max.r = 30, ...)



a T x n numeric data matrix or frame of stationary time series.


integer. The maximum number of factors for which IC should be computed (or eigenvalues to be displayed in the screeplot).


an object of type 'ICr'.


further arguments to ts.plot or plot.


character. Either "ev" (eigenvalues), "pve" (percent variance explained), or "cum.pve" (cumulative PVE). Multiple plots can be requested.


logical. TRUE shows gridlines in each plot.


A list of 4 elements:


T x n matrix of principle component factor estimates.


the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of X.


r.max x 3 'table' containing the 3 information criteria of Bai and Ng (2002), computed for all values of r from 1:r.max.

vector of length 3 containing the number of factors (r) minimizing each information criterion.


Following Bai and Ng (2002) and De Valk et al. (2019), let \(NSSR(r)\) be the normalized sum of squared residuals \(SSR(r) / (n \times T)\) when r factors are estimated using principal components. Then the information criteria can be written as follows:

$$IC_{r1} = \ln(NSSR(r)) + r\left(\frac{n + T}{nT}\right) + \ln\left(\frac{nT}{n + T}\right)$$ $$IC_{r2} = \ln(NSSR(r)) + r\left(\frac{n + T}{nT}\right) + \ln(\min(n, T))$$ $$IC_{r3} = \ln(NSSR(r)) + r\left(\frac{\ln(\min(n, T))}{\min(n, T)}\right)$$

The optimal number of factors r* corresponds to the minimum IC. The three criteria are are asymptotically equivalent, but may give significantly different results for finite samples. The penalty in \(IC_{r2}\) is highest in finite samples.

In the Screeplot a horizontal dashed line is shown signifying an eigenvalue of 1, or a share of variance corresponding to 1 divided by the number of eigenvalues.


To determine the number of lags (p) in the factor transition equation, use the function vars::VARselect with r* principle components (also returned by ICr).


Bai, J., Ng, S. (2002). Determining the Number of Factors in Approximate Factor Models. Econometrica, 70(1), 191-221.

Onatski, A. (2010). Determining the number of factors from empirical distribution of eigenvalues. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(4), 1004-1016.

De Valk, S., de Mattos, D., & Ferreira, P. (2019). Nowcasting: An R package for predicting economic variables using dynamic factor models. The R Journal, 11(1), 230-244.



ics = ICr(diff(BM14_M))
#> Missing values detected: imputing data with tsnarmimp() with default settings
#> Optimal Number of Factors (r) from Bai and Ng (2002) Criteria
#> IC1 IC2 IC3 
#>   6   6  20 


# Optimal lag-order with 6 factors chosen
VARselect(ics$F_pca[, 1:6])
#> $selection
#> AIC(n)  HQ(n)  SC(n) FPE(n) 
#>      6      3      1      6 
#> $criteria
#>                  1          2          3          4          5          6
#> AIC(n)    6.916814   6.660193   6.426226   6.303207   6.254268   6.240250
#> HQ(n)     7.102739   7.005481   6.930879   6.967224   7.077649   7.222994
#> SC(n)     7.383723   7.527309   7.693550   7.970738   8.322007   8.708196
#> FPE(n) 1009.133494 780.867151 618.248189 547.148594 521.734680 515.519358
#>                 7          8          9         10
#> AIC(n)   6.332960   6.342459   6.365012   6.447964
#> HQ(n)    7.475069   7.643931   7.825849   8.068165
#> SC(n)    9.201114   9.610820  10.033580  10.516740
#> FPE(n) 567.198946 574.763323 590.710534 645.677979