A simple and fast C++ implementation of the Kalman Filter for stationary data with time-invariant system matrices and missing data.
- X
numeric data matrix (\(T \times n\)).
- A
transition matrix (\(rp \times rp\)).
- C
observation matrix (\(n \times rp\)).
- Q
state covariance (\(rp \times rp\)).
- R
observation covariance (\(n \times n\)).
- F_0
initial state vector (\(rp \times 1\)).
- P_0
initial state covariance (\(rp \times rp\)).
- loglik
logical. Compute log-likelihood?
Predicted and filtered state vectors and covariances.
\(T \times rp\) filtered state vectors.
\(rp \times rp \times T\) filtered state covariances.
\(T \times rp\) predicted state vectors.
\(rp \times rp \times T\) predicted state covariances.
value of the log likelihood.
The underlying state space model is:
$$\textbf{x}_t = \textbf{C} \textbf{F}_t + \textbf{e}_t \sim N(\textbf{0}, \textbf{R})$$ $$\textbf{F}_t = \textbf{A F}_{t-1} + \textbf{u}_t \sim N(\textbf{0}, \textbf{Q})$$
where \(x_t\) is X[t, ]
. The filter then first performs a time update (prediction)
$$\textbf{F}_t = \textbf{A F}_{t-1}$$ $$\textbf{P}_t = \textbf{A P}_{t-1}\textbf{A}' + \textbf{Q}$$
where \(P_t = Cov(F_t)\). This is followed by the measurement update (filtering)
$$\textbf{K}_t = \textbf{P}_t \textbf{C}' (\textbf{C P}_t \textbf{C}' + \textbf{R})^{-1}$$ $$\textbf{F}_t = \textbf{F}_t + \textbf{K}_t (\textbf{x}_t - \textbf{C F}_t)$$ $$\textbf{P}_t = \textbf{P}_t - \textbf{K}_t\textbf{C P}_t$$
If a row of the data is all missing the measurement update is skipped i.e. the prediction becomes the filtered value. The log-likelihood is computed as $$1/2 \sum_t \log(|St|)-e_t'S_te_t-n\log(2\pi)$$ where \(S_t = (C P_t C' + R)^{-1}\) and \(e_t = x_t - C F_t\) is the prediction error.
For further details see any textbook on time series such as Shumway & Stoffer (2017), which provide an analogous R implementation in astsa::Kfilter0
For another fast (C-based) implementation that also allows time-varying system matrices and non-stationary data see FKF::fkf