This function imputes missing values in a stationary multivariate time series using various methods, and removes cases with too many missing values.
- X
T x n
numeric data matrix (incl. ts or xts objects) or data frame of stationary time series.- max.missing
numeric. Proportion of series missing for a case to be considered missing.
- na.rm.method
character. Method to apply concerning missing cases selected through
only removes cases at the beginning or end of the sample, whereas"all"
always removes missing cases.- na.impute
character. Method to impute missing values for the PCA estimates used to initialize the EM algorithm. Note that data are standardized (scaled and centered) beforehand. Available options are:
simple series-wise median imputation. "rnorm"
imputation with random numbers drawn from a standard normal distribution. ""
values are initially imputed with the median, but then a moving average is applied to smooth the estimates. ""
"internal" missing values (not at the beginning or end of the sample) are imputed using a cubic spline, whereas missing values at the beginning and end are imputed with the median of the series and smoothed with a moving average. - ma.terms
the order of the (2-sided) moving average applied in
The imputed matrix X_imp
, with attributes:
a missingness matrix
matching the dimensions ofX_imp
and a vector of indices of rows (cases) with too many missing values that were removed.
#> An xts object on 1980-01-31 / 2009-09-30 containing:
#> Data: double [357, 92]
#> Columns: ip_total, ip_tot_cstr, ip_tot_cstr_en, ip_constr, ip_im_goods ... with 87 more columns
#> Index: Date [357] (TZ: "UTC")
#> xts Attributes:
#> $ missing: logi [1:357, 1:92] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> .. ..$ : NULL
#> .. ..$ : chr [1:92] "ip_total" "ip_tot_cstr" "ip_tot_cstr_en" "ip_constr" ...